Church Dedication
27-29 August 2021
Contact for further info!
Pastor Raphael M Tizora
Call: 07984 804481
Visit: Halifax Bible Believers Fellowship Tabernacle
Stead St, Halifax HX1 5AN
Friday 27 August 2021
Evening Service: 18:00 to 21:30
Minister: Pastor Peter Chandler-UK
Saturday 28 August 2021
Morning Service: 10:00-13:00
Minister: Bamidele Adelodun- Nigeria
Served Lunch-13:15 to 14:45
Dedication Service: 14:45 to 16:00
Host Pastor: Raphael M Tizora
Afternoon Service: 16:30-20:00
Minister: Pastor Brian Lock-Scotland
Sunday 29 August 2021
Morning Service: 10:00 to 13:00
Minister: Pastor Wisper Gwena- UK
Served lunch-13:15 to 14:45
Sing Along Service: 14:45 to 15:45
Last Service: 16:30 to 20:00
Minister: Bamidele Adelodun-Nigeria
Halifax Bible Believers Fellowship
And when Israel had finally made one place that they could all dwell in, come to a place and meet God under the fellowship of the blood, then they begin to sing with joy. They begin to play the harp. They praised God in such one accord until it sounded like one voice a singing. Then Solomon stood to pray and to make the dedication to the Lord. And when he did that, remember, the ark had already been brought in under the wings of the Cherubim and set back in the holy place. But when the people dedicated, not the church, not the building, but when the people got with one accord, and prayed with one accord, and sang with one accord, and everything was of one accord, then the Holy Spirit in the form of a Pillar of Fire, moved into the building and settled upon the place. And it was so much glory in that building until the priests could not minister any more.
God let it be again. Let it come again to this little tabernacle. We walk through the Blood, or under the Blood of the Lord Jesus, confessing our sins and be filled with His Spirit and come here… And you people this morning should be just as glad and happy of this little tabernacle, as Israel was of theirs.
59-0708M – Dedication Of Building, To The Lord
Rev. William Marrion Branham